3T Throwdown
My awesomely named friend Toni, from Food (Just Sayin’), has initiated a “Throwdown”! We will be making a Molted Lava Cake. I have never made anything like this before so it should prove to be interesting. You can follow out smack talk on Twitter using the hashtag #BakersSmack
Also joining in on the fun is Tanya from Shin-Dig-It. You are probably wondering how do you have a Throwdown when you can’t taste anything right? Since this is all for fun, it is an honestly policy. Obviously if you kill your recipe then you will wave the white flag. You can also have people try it in your home and give honest opinions. My sons would have no trouble telling me if something tasted like crap! lol
Look for our posts this Tuesday to see how everyone did!
Are you a Brand or representing PR Agency? Want to challenge me with your products? Shoot me an email with “Food Challenge!” in the subject line!