Posts Tagged ‘cheese’

Weight Watchers: Trimming Down Can Taste Good

It’s grilling season, and we all know how tempting it can be to over indulge during backyard BBQ’s. Personally, I am a cheeseburger kinda girl. I can’t eat a burger if it doesn’t have cheese! But, we all know that cheese can be killer on the waste line if you indulge in to much of it. Before you hold the cheese on that burger, rest assured that it’s possible to enjoy your favorite foods without all the calories. In an effort to help you create a better-for-you grilling experience for the whole family,I have teamed up with Mom Select to bring you sensible options from Weight Watchers Cheese! Are you sitting there crinkling your noise? Most “diet” food tastes bad right? I mean if it’s supposed to be better for you, it’s going to taste awful right? Being Italian, I am a big fan of cheese.. I love everything from Havarti to your basic cheddar. I wouldn’t say that I am a cheese expert or anything but, I know my cheeses. Weight Watchers Cheeses are all low in calories, fat and sodium so you don’t have to choose between these benefits and can enjoy the rewards of all three at once. Here is what I received to try… Make sure you scroll down to the “My Finding” part!

  • Weight Watchers Jalapeno Pepper Gourmet Cheese Wedges
  • Weight Watchers Reduced Fat Whipped Strawberry Cream Cheese Spread
  • Weight Watchers Reduced Fat Whipped Onion and Chive Cream Cheese Spread
  • Weight Watchers Reduced Fat PepperJack Singles

Click here to see the recipe!! »

Recipe: Jamaican Shepherd’s Pie

I don’t think there are any rules to what you can put in a Shepard’s Pie. It is another one of those versatile dishes that you can make your own. I love to make it because the kids love it, it’s hearty and well who doesn’t love mashed potatoes with all kinds of yummy goodness hiding under it? I like this one because it puts a little spin on what most people are used to when they make Shepard’s Pie. You can’t go wrong with potatoes and cheese, especially with little mouths around the house. The boys are not fans of onion but I can hide them in this. I even hide them from myself! Please tell me what you think!

Click here to see the recipe!! »

Recipe: 30 Minute Cajun Chicken

Think you can’t cook? Do you watch those “30 Minute Meal” shows hoping to pick up something fast and easy? It’s true, you really can make something fast and simple in 30 minutes. I think this recipe would go great with some corn on the cob! It only takes 10 minutes to put together (It took me 7!) ans 20 minutes to bake. This is a much faster option to my previous Cajun Chicken recipe. I am loving these recipes so much for days when I don’t have a lot of time or I just don’t feel like getting into a long dinner process. My favorite part, not many dishes! I love these fast recipes because the chicken stays so moist. I hate dried out chicken.
Click here to see the recipe!! »

Recipe: Creamy Cajun Chicken and Linguine

This year for Valentine’s Day we stayed in. Since I am not big on this holiday to start with, I was happy with this. My son ended up with the Flu and home that night (and the rest of the week off school) so we made it work. My boyfriend made me a delicious Valentine’s Day dinner. I’m a chicken and pasta addict so the man fed right into that addiction! He has a background in cooking so I thought it was time the man cooked for me. Here is the recipe he used with a few of his own little tweaks.

Click here to see the recipe!! »

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