Posts Tagged ‘pasta’

Recipe: Creamy Cajun Chicken and Linguine

This year for Valentine’s Day we stayed in. Since I am not big on this holiday to start with, I was happy with this. My son ended up with the Flu and home that night (and the rest of the week off school) so we made it work. My boyfriend made me a delicious Valentine’s Day dinner. I’m a chicken and pasta addict so the man fed right into that addiction! He has a background in cooking so I thought it was time the man cooked for me. Here is the recipe he used with a few of his own little tweaks.

Click here to see the recipe!! »

#Recipe: Italian Herb Lasagna Roll-Ups

I love making lasagna and it is a dish that my boys really enjoy. I wanted to change it up a bit so I came up with these roll ups. I am sure it is not my original idea since there are so many awesome Mom’s out there! They are fun to make and to eat. It’s an easy recipe that you can get the kids involved in! Spencer loves to stick the toothpicks in the top since he couldn’t quite get the rolling part down. I actually made almost a double batch which is why there are so many in my pan pictured below. ENJOY!

Click here to see the recipe!! »

#Recipe: Potato and Cheese Pierogies

One of the things I wish I had done while my Dad was still alive was making him some Polish food. I am by no means a pro at this but it is something I wanted to learn to make. I have made these a handful of times and they were always a huge hit with everyone who has tried them. While my boys and I were back home for Christmas, my mom talked me into making them for her. They are really not as difficult as you might think. Just time consuming. I wanted to get a nice picture of them finished by the hounds moved in and I didn’t get a chance :( Most people serve their pierogies with sour cream but I also like mind with a nice spicy brown mustard.

Click here to see the recipe!! »

Recipe: Pasta Amatriciana

I was very excited to try this recipe and I have to tell you I was a bit disappointed. It had nothing to do with the recipe being good or bad, it was good, it just wasn’t for us. This is only my second encounter with cooking wines and I expected more of the wine taste to cook off. I don’t drink so the called for amount was a bit much. My friend, who is an ex chef, even thought it was a bit much. I listed the recipe as written originally but with some suggestions. I used Spaghetti even though I originally was going to use Angel hair. I thought the chunky sauce might be a little much for the fine pasta. I hope you will give this a try and let me know what you think! It was very easy to prepare.

Click here to see the recipe!! »

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