Archive for the ‘Reviews’ Category

Dawn Power Clean 5-Minute Soak

For all the time that we spend in the kitchen cooking, we spend an equal amount washing dishes. Who likes to wash dishes? NOT ME! I rarely rave about a product I have tried but in this case, Dawn Power Clean deserves it!

Click here to see the recipe!! »

Put an end to Food Fights with your kids + Giveaway

The ways that children differ in the way they eat these days is insane. I often go to school and have lunch with my sons and it’s very hard not to notice what other kids are pulling out of their lunch boxes. I’ve seen everything from carrots to candy bars. To each their own but there is no way I would send my sons to school with a candy bar in his lunch box. On occasion I will sneak a little something in there as a surprise. Maybe a “Kiss” or something as a treat. My son’s are not extremely picky eaters as a whole, but, they just are not big on vegetables. It’s not for my lack of trying.

As a kid I remember my parents forcing us to eat our vegetables. I think the purpose of that in the long run failed because today, I still don’t like most vegetables or seafood. I decided long before I even had kids that I wasn’t going to force them to eat things they didn’t like. However, I would make them try everything, and I do. You can’t force someone to like something no matter how many times you make them eat it.

Once a week I let the boys pick anywhere they want to go for dinner. They have a few favorite places which include a pizza buffet and a Chinese buffet. Now do I think a pizza buffet is good for them 7 days a week? Of course not but a few times a month is okay. I don’t let them eat until they are sick. They know how much they are allowed to have and even when they hit the dessert end, they know they are each only allowed to have one item. I also take weeks where we will go over what will be cooked for the week. I have found that giving them some input rather than telling them this is it, eat it or like it, has gone a long way. Click here to see the recipe!! »

Green Cooking with 360 Cookware + Giveaway

I come from a big Italian family of mostly males so I am rarely left speechless. What I am going to tell you about today literally left me with my mouth agape.  When I received a box of 360 Cookware, I opened it up and thought, okay? What’s the big deal? Looks like every other cookware on the market.

Without even looking at any of the booklets or watching the DVD that came with it, my smartass decided to just go ahead and cook with it. Big mistake. I made Grilled cheese and it all stuck so bad. I stood there trying to imagine why something slathered in butter would stick to this pan. I was like what the heck? After watching a bunch of videos and looking at the book, I KNEW, this wasn’t my grandma’s cookware! I mean seriously, hard boiled eggs with only a damp paper towel?Real homemade lasagna in a pan on the stove? These people were crazy. No way you can do that! Right?….. WRONG! Before I show you my experiences, let me tell you a little about 360 Cookeware.
Click here to see the recipe!! »

Udi’s Gluten Free Foods

Even if you aren’t living gluten-free, chances are you know someone who is. I watch posts go by on my Facebook feed from one of my friends who is on a Gluten-Free diet. It’s simply crazy and I really didn’t know that I could do it. I think I have this notion that anything that isn’t the “norm” for food just has to taste like garbage. I came across products from Udi’s and I slipped them into our daily eating to see if the boys would notice. Most of them they didn’t notice. But let me tell you who and what Udi’s is first!

Click here to see the recipe!! »

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